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Here's the latest from the Arlos Research Group!

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Watershed Moment

We all have a story to share. I still have a lot to learn, but I am very motivated to make a difference in protecting the quality of our water resources. Thank you, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta and the Civil & Environmental Engineering Dep't, for giving me a platform to move water quality research forward! 


Check out the article here.


Kia won the "Award for Research Excellence in Earth or Environmental Science"

February 9, 2022

Congratulations to my first ever grad student Kia Barrow for winning the "Award for Research Excellence in Earth or Environmental Science" during the BESTEMM2022 organized by Canadian Black Scientists Network / Réseau Canadien des Scientifiques Noirs! Super proud of what you have accomplished so far and I have no doubt of your #success in the future!

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The Arlos Lab summer students presented their research to the group

August 27, 2021

We had amazing Co-op students this summer! We are sad for them to leave us, but we are very happy with the skillsets they learned and their wonderful contributions to our lab. They are definitely a great example of truly hardworking, intelligent students, and we have no doubt of their success in the future. Good Luck to you all!

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Seth was awarded the NSERC USRA

Seth's summer co-op is funded by the NSERC Undergraduate Research Award (USRA). His work is mainly focused on understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of emerging substances of concern in the urban sections of the Bow River watershed. NSERC USRA is an excellent opportunity for undergrads to check out whether a career in research is something that they want to explore. If you are interested in doing a USRA with me, feel free to reach out and we can both design a research project for you!

Demi finished her I-STEAM Pathways internship!

August 20, 2021

Demi spent her Summer 2021 with the Arlos lab learning more about nanoplastics and their potential behaviour in the environment. We could not join the I-STEAM's in-person graduation ceremony as we were finishing up the research activities in Calgary. Demi had been a great lab member and we would definitely miss her!


Watch the other I-STEAM interns talk about their research in the video below.

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Dr. Arlos is a DiscoverE Mentor

Watch a recent interview with Dr. Arlos as part of the World Water Day 2021 Celebration!

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Kia presented her research virtually at the 1st IWA Young Water Professionals Conference

June 23-25, 2021

Kia Barrow had a chance to share her research work with other Canadian Young Water Professionals (YWP). The conference was hosted by and for young professionals and students, this conference showcase the leadership and technical abilities of YWPs across Canada. This year's theme was “Leading from the Future” which will also help YWPs build skills and their professional network via technical sessions, poster competition, workshops, and networking sessions.

Kia B. Presenting
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Dr. Arlos is featured in UofA's Female Engineering Mentorship

March 21, 2021

Read what Dr. Arlos thinks about being a female engineer!

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